Filed under Recipes

My Secret Teriyaki Sauce! Don’t Tell!

My Secret Teriyaki Sauce! Don’t Tell!

Honestly, I can make a pretty mean teriyaki marinade.  I even have a ‘healthier’ version where I use agave nectar and lime.  When we had our family on a strict gluten free diet, I also did one with the no-gluten soy sauce (sorry, it’s midnight and I can’t remember the ‘real name’).  However, we were … Continue reading

Guri Guri!  Mainland Kama’aina Style!

Guri Guri! Mainland Kama’aina Style!

If we arrive on Maui at a decent time, we usually pick up lunch at Da Kitchen, head over to visit our relatives at Hamai Appliance and. . . . . .get some guri guri.  In college, one of our aunties would visit from Maui and she’d always have a freeze packed guri guri carton … Continue reading

Taste of Paradise

Taste of Paradise

Ever eat something that takes you back to a place of your past?  We make local food often enough that and I’ve been away from the islands for so long that some of the food is just a part of life now.  I eat it and . . . . . well, it feels like … Continue reading